Friday, November 11, 2016


One of my favorite hobbies is watching cooking shows and learning new recipes. While a busy schedule makes it hard to find time to make an elaborate meal every night, I do so whenever I can. There are many steps to following a recipe. The first thing that I will do is either find a recipe online, look through a cooking magazine, or watch how to make something on a cooking show.  Then, I will write down all of the ingredients that I will need and the instructions of how to cook the meal. After that, I will head to the grocery store to get what I need. Next, I will take out all of my ingredients and put them on the counter in my kitchen. I will read the recipe and figure out what I need to do. After I look at all of my steps, I will make the meal. Finally, I will taste what I have made. If I enjoy it, I will add it to my recipe book to make it again. If not, I will toss it in the garbage and find something new to try.
  • hobby - an activity or interest
  • elaborate - with a lot of detail
  • recipe - a list of instructions to make something
  • ingredient - something used to put in a mixture
  • instruction - tells you what to do

Complete the word jumble by using the vocabulary words and definitions.
1. pereic _________
2. byboh _________
3. tnucoirtnis ______________
4. eebrlatoa _____________
5. dnetgineri ____________

Grammar Point: Future tense 
My passage is written in the future tense. The future tense is a verb form that generally marks the event described by the verb that is expected to happen in the future.
For example, I did not make this recipe yet so I wrote: I will write, I will headI will read, etc. 
Activity: Write a 3 paragraph composition in the future tense. Write about something that you will be doing over the winter break. 

1 comment:

  1. I like your future tense passage and how you use recipes. I always promise myself that I will try new recipes over the summer when I have more time, but I never do.
