Sunday, November 13, 2016

Having a Pet

Having a Pet

Having a pet is one of the greatest decisions my family has ever made, even though it took many years. My brother and I were trying to persuade my parents into getting us a puppy for the longest time. Any time we were at our friends or cousins houses, we would play with their dogs and try to convince our parents that we should get one. My parents would always tell us that dogs are a lot of work because you have to make sure you are home often to walk them, feed them, and give them attention. Well, after many years of begging, we were finally able to convince them to get us a dog. We used the same breeder that my aunts and uncles use whenever they get a dog, which is located in Ohio. Baci was purchased through Facetime and pictures in February of 2012 and we picked him up at the Delta terminal in Laguardia Airport. We immediately fell in love with Baci and from that day on he has been part of our family. Baci is a maltipoo (maltese/poodle) and he is a fluffy, ten pound, energetic dog that loves to be the center of attention. 

decision - making a choice
persuade - to try to make someone feel the same way as you by giving reasons
convince -  to give reasons why you believe in something
begging - to ask over and over again
breeder - a person who raises animals of a specific type
Facetime -  a way to see something through a live video on a cell phone

Complete the word search by finding each of the vocabulary words. 


Grammar Point: In the passage, you see two words that have a similar meaning: persuade and convince. These words are called synonyms. Synonyms are two words that have the same or similar meaning. Another example would be big and large.

Match the synonyms.

big               happy
glad             large
little             silent
sick              small
quiet            ill
leap             save
start             jump
mad             begin
same            angry
keep            alike


  1. Could not imagine life without a dog in it! Great post! I like having the students connect the words to their synonyms, it is great practice.

  2. Dogs are the best!! I love the level of vocabulary that you chose to highlight for your students.

  3. I think that matching the synonyms is a simple yet very effective strategy for practice the grammar point!

  4. Baci looks very cute indeed. My daughter just got a Portugese water dog,which swims in their pool and brings them much happiness.
    I like the synonym matching activity.
